Filter, Reorder, And Find Posts In The Queue
SmarterQueue’s Queue is designed to make managing your social media posts simple and efficient. Whether you need to focus on specific content, adjust the order of your posts, or locate something quickly, the Queue provides the tools to help you stay organized and in control.
📌 In This Article
- Filtering Posts In The Queue
- Reordering And Shuffling Posts
- Searching For Specific Posts
- Why Is My Post Missing From The Upcoming Section?
- Common Questions
Filtering Posts In The Queue
Filters let you quickly find scheduled content grouped by specific criteria. You can access all filters on the left-hand side of the Queue. On smaller screens, press the Filters button to access them.
Available filtering options include:
- Post Status: View your upcoming posts to see what’s scheduled next, or check on already published posts, paused, deleted, or more.
- Social Profile: Focus on posts for a specific social profile.
- Category: View posts from a particular Category (e.g., "Promotions" or "Blog Posts").
- Post Timing: Separate manually scheduled posts from those using your Posting Plan.
- Evergreen Status: See which posts are set to recycle.
- Post Source: Filter by how content was added to the Queue (e.g., Post Editor, CSV upload, or RSS feeds).
- Post Content: Search for posts with specific elements like images, links, or text.
You can combine different type filters to refine your view further and focus on specific content combinations.
Reordering And Shuffling Posts
SmarterQueue gives you control over the order in which your posts are published. You can manually reorder posts or use the shuffle feature to randomize their order.
Reordering Posts:
In List View, you can drag and drop posts to adjust their order. Simply click and hold the drag handle (six dots) on the left side of the post card. Then, drag the post to your desired position.
The Queue automatically filters for the specific Category and Social Profile combination, helping you track changes to that sub-queue.
Additionally, you can use the "Move to Top" or "Move to Bottom" options in the 3-dot menu on each post to quickly adjust its position within the Queue.
Shuffling Posts:
If you have a large volume of posts and want to mix things up, use the Shuffle button to randomize their order. This is especially useful for Evergreen content or posts that don’t need to follow a strict sequence.
Once posts are shuffled, they cannot be unshuffled, so be sure before applying this feature.
📝 Note: Reordering and shuffling only affect posts using Timeslots from your Posting Plan. Manually scheduled posts, which have fixed dates and times, will not be affected by these changes.
Searching For Specific Posts
The search bar in the Queue lets you quickly find posts by entering keywords, phrases, or hashtags. It will search the text within your posts to locate specific content.
To search for a post:
- Enter a keyword or hashtag in the Search Bar at the top of the Queue.
- View the results, which display posts containing the keyword or hashtag, allowing you to locate the content easily.
This feature helps you quickly find and update posts in large Queues.
Why Is My Post Missing From The Upcoming Section?
If a post isn’t showing in the Upcoming section, here are a few common reasons:
- The Post is Paused: If publishing is paused for a specific Category or Social Profile, the post may have been moved to the Paused section. Learn more here.
- The Post is Unqueued: Posts that don’t have assigned Timeslots in your Posting Plan will appear in the Unqueued section. You’ll need to add Timeslots for the post to show up in Upcoming. Learn more here.
- Failed Posts: Posts that encounter errors (e.g., connection issues or account restrictions) are moved to the Failed section. You can review and resolve the issue from there. Learn more here.
Check these sections to troubleshoot and resolve any issues preventing a post from appearing in Upcoming.
Common Questions
1. Can I filter by multiple Categories or Social Profiles at once?
Currently, you can only use one filter per type at a time. However, you can combine different type filters (e.g., Category and Social Profile) to narrow down your posts.
2. What happens to manually reordered posts?
Manually reordered posts stay in the new order unless you shuffle them or make further adjustments.
3. Why does my Queue stop at a particular date?
The content currently in your Queue might only be scheduled through that date. Check if you have any Paused or Unqueued posts (e.g., posts without Timeslots for certain Category and Social Profile combinations). Additionally, Evergreen posts only display their next iteration in the Upcoming section. Once published, they’ll return to the bottom of the Queue and be scheduled again.
4. Where are my Variations in the Queue?
Posts with Variations appear in the Queue one Variation at a time - the next Variation set to be published. After a Variation is published, the post will return to the Queue with the following Variation, scheduled for future publishing based on your Posting Plan or manual scheduling.