Temporarily Pause Or Stop Your Queue
Sometimes you may need to pause your Queue - whether it’s during seasonal breaks while reviewing your content strategy, or when updating social profiles and permissions.
SmarterQueue provides flexible options to pause publishing for specific Categories, Social Profiles, or even your entire Queue, and resume it when you’re ready.
📌 In This Article
- How To Pause The Entire Queue
- How To Pause Individual Categories Or Social Profiles
- Resuming Publishing
- Common Questions
How To Pause The Entire Queue
To stop publishing across your entire Queue:
- Navigate to the Queue: Go to the "Publish" section and select your Queue.
- Toggle the Pause Button: Locate the option to “Pause All” publishing in the upper-right corner and toggle it on.
- Confirm Your Action: You’ll receive a confirmation prompt to ensure you want to pause all posts. Once confirmed, no content will be published until you resume.
Paused content will remain in the Queue but will not be published until you resume the combination. You will also find it under “Paused” instead of “Upcoming”.
How To Pause Individual Categories Or Social Profiles
To pause publishing for specific Categories or Social Profiles:
- Go to Settings: Navigate to the “Pause Settings” section of SmarterQueue. You can access it by clicking the link in the confirmation prompt after toggling 'Pause All' in the Queue or by selecting “Settings” via the cog icon in the screen's upper-right corner.
- Check “Custom Pause Controls” options:
- You can temporarily stop publishing for specific Categories or Social Profiles by switching them from “Active” to “Paused” using their dropdowns.
- To pause specific Category and Social Profile combinations, use the cog buttons for each one.
Resuming Publishing
To resume publishing:
- Re-enable Individual Categories or Social Profiles: If you’ve paused specific combinations, return to “Pause Settings” and toggle the pause button off.
- Resume All Content: If you paused the entire Queue, return to the Queue and toggle publishing back on using the “Unpause All” button.
- Check Your Queue: Review the Upcoming section to ensure posts are scheduled as expected.
Common Questions
1. Will paused posts still appear in the Queue?
Yes, paused posts will remain in the Queue. They will be moved to the “Paused” section and they won’t be published until you resume publishing for the specific Category or Social Profile.
2. What happens to Evergreen posts while the Queue is paused?
Evergreen posts will stay in the Queue and wait for publishing to resume. Once publishing is re-enabled, they will recycle and follow the Posting Plan as usual.
3. What happens to manually scheduled content while the Queue is paused?
4. Can I pause only one post?
No, pausing applies to entire Categories, Social Profiles, or the entire Queue. To stop a specific post from being published, you can delete or edit the post.