Understanding Queue Symbols & Icons

The Queue uses various symbols and icons (glyphs) to provide quick insights into your posts. These icons indicate post scheduling, whether a post is part of an Evergreen cycle, if it has variations, and whether it requires any action.

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Post Timing Options

Each post in SmarterQueue starts with a post timing option, which determines when and how it will be published. The following icons indicate how a post is scheduled to publish and the corresponding glyphs, as they will appear on post cards in the "Upcoming" section of the Queue, before publishing.

Posts That Use The Posting Plan

These posts are set to publish one time, based on Timeslots added to the Posting Plan, without recycling.

They display the date and time of the assigned Timeslot, without additional symbols.

Posts With Set Date & Time

These are manually scheduled posts that don’t follow the Posting Plan. They will publish using the date and time you manually set in the Post Editor.

They will display the date and time set for publishing, along with a pin (πŸ“Œ) icon on the left hand side, to clarify they were scheduled manually to a fixed date/time.

If the post is scheduled for multiple fixed dates and times, a calendar icon and counter will appear to indicate how many times it will publish.

Recurring Posts

This post has a repeating schedule and will publish at a set interval.

It is marked with a black recurrence icon and a post counter.

πŸ“ Note: For more information on Post Timing options, visit our article here.

Evergreen Recycling

Evergreen posts are designed to automatically recycle and be republished multiple times based on their settings. Unlike recurring posts, which have fixed intervals, Evergreen posts return to the Queue after publishing and wait for their next Timeslot.

Evergreen can be applied to:

Posts That Use The Posting Plan

These posts follow Timeslots in the Posting Plan and will be republished automatically.

The post is marked with a green recycling icon, along with a counter, to show which cycle is up for publishing next.

Posts With Set Date & Time

These posts are manually scheduled and also set as Evergreen. After publishing on the date and time that was manually set in the Post Editor, they will return to the Queue to be recycled based on Timeslots in the Posting Plan.

As the post awaits publishing based on the set date an time, it will show the pin (πŸ“Œ) icon on the left hand side. It also displays the green recycling icon, to let you know it's set to recycle right after.

If the post is scheduled for multiple fixed dates and times, a calendar icon and counter will appear to indicate how many times it will publish. The green recycling icon will be there to indicate the post will recycle after all fixed dates/times are fulfilled.

πŸ“ Note: For more information on Evergreen Recycling, visit our article here.

Posts With Variations

Posts with Variations allow multiple text and media versions to be cycled through each time they publish. These posts still follow their designated post timing (whether Posting Plan, manually scheduled, Evergreen, etc.) and display the appropriate glyphs, but will also include a variation counter to track which version is next.

Each variation cycles through sequentially as the post is published. The variation icon displays the total number of variations and highlights which one is next in line.

If a post is both Recurring/Evergreen and has Variations, it will continue cycling through variations each time it is republished. Once all variations have been used, the cycle will restart, ensuring the post continues to publish with different variations over time.

πŸ“ Note: For more information on using Variations, visit our article here.

Common Questions

1. Can I customize these icons?

No, the glyphs are automatically applied based on post settings. However, you can use the filters on the left-hand side to quickly find posts with specific statuses.

2. Why doesn’t my post show a glyph?

Not all posts need an icon. For example, a standard one-time post without Evergreen settings or manual scheduling won’t display additional symbols.

3. What happens if I shuffle posts?

Shuffling affects posts following the Posting Plan, but manually scheduled posts will remain in place. While shuffled posts will be assigned new publishing dates and times based on the Timeslots in the Posting Plan, all glyphs will remain the same.