Set Up And Manage Auto-Importers

Auto-Importers allow you to automatically import content from blogs, news sites, and YouTube into SmarterQueue, keeping your Queue filled with fresh content. Once set up, SmarterQueue will regularly check the source feed and pull in new posts based on your settings.

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How To Set Up An Auto-Importer

  1. Navigate to Discover, then Auto-Importers.
  2. Click "Add Auto-Importer" on the right-hand side and choose RSS from the dropdown.
  3. Enter the RSS feed URL of the blog, news site, or YouTube channel/playlist. This will load content, just like it would in Find Content. 
  4. Click Set Auto-Import on the right-hand side and configure:
    • Name: Give your Auto-Importer a recognizable name.
    • Refine by search terms: Narrow down the imported content based on keywords.
    • Modify article titles: Add a prefix or suffix to the imported content’s title.
    • Choose Category & Social Profiles: Select where the posts should go.
    • Choose Post Status: Send posts to Drafts, Queue to publish later, or have the content Publish ASAP.
    • Set Evergreen Status: Decide if posts should be recycled, and how much. 
    • Import Older Posts: Enable if you want to backfill older content.
    • Pause importing for now: Set up the Auto-Importer without activating it immediately, leaving it for later.
  5. Click Save Auto-Importer to complete the setup.

How To Manage Your Auto-Importers

  1. Navigate to Discover, then Auto-Importer.
  2. Click the three-dot menu on any Auto-Imported in your list:
  • Edit Settings: Select "Edit" to update filters, Categories, Social Profiles, etc.
  • Pause publishing: Select "Pause" to stop importing until further notice.
  • Resume publishing: Select "Un-Pause" to resume publishing when paused.
  • Delete: Click "Delete" to remove an Auto-Importer permanently.
  1. Click the three-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the screen for Bulk Actions
  • Use Pause all Importers or Delete all to manage multiple Auto-Importers at once.

Important Notes And Limitations

Feeds with Limited Entries: Some RSS feeds only contain the latest 10-20 posts, meaning older posts may not be available for import. Similarly, YouTube restricts auto-importing to the 15 most recent videos from a channel or playlist.

Auto-Import Timing: While SmarterQueue checks feeds every 10 minutes, some sources update their feeds less frequently, which may delay content availability. Also, paused importers do not retroactively import missed content when resumed.

Facebook limitation: Facebook does not allow captions on auto-imported posts. Only the link preview will appear. To fix this, you can send imported Facebook posts to Drafts and manually edit them before publishing.