Facebook Error: Please Reduce The Amount Of Data You’re Asking For, Then Retry Your Request

Occasionally, posts to your Facebook Page will fail to be published with this error message:

Read on to learn more about what causes the error and possible workarounds.

In This Article:

What Causes The Error For Facebook Pages?

This is a known Facebook API bug, that affects many parts of their API (see their bug reports below). They have stated that the cause is their servers run out of memory.

"After hearing back from our eng team, this is a transient error due to out of memory. The OOM error doesn't happen very often, that's to say it's hard to debug with. I just retried it one more time, but it didn't hit any error. Basically, OOM happens when a page is very big and has thousands of users they have interacted with. Unfortunately, our eng team currently doesn't have a short-term plan on this."

Most reports indicate that the problem appears when including Page mentions in your post.

We have found that sometimes the post is published successfully to your Facebook Page, even though SmarterQueue shows the post failed.

You should check your Facebook Page to see if the post was published or not, and take action accordingly.

Possible Workarounds

Here are our suggestions on what you can do to avoid these errors:

  • Try refreshing your access token for your Facebook Page - other customers have reported success with this operation. To do this, go through the SmarterQueue process to re-authorize your Facebook permissions, and then re-connect your Facebook Page. We strongly recommend you grant permission to all of your Facebook Pages, and Instagram Business accounts when reconnecting every time, rather than granting granular permissions just for the one you are re-connecting.
  • For Facebook Pages:
    • If retrying the post continues to fail, the Facebook API may be unable to publish the post with the mention included, so you can try posting natively on Facebook.com, or scheduling the post and adding the Page mention by hand afterward.