Queue Updates: What You Need To Know

With the new and improved Queue, you can seamlessly manage your publishing timeline in one place, giving you a clear view of all your active content, including past, present, and failed posts. 📆

In This Article

What’s New About Your Queue?

To make sure all tools associated with scheduling your content are easy to find and manage, we’ve moved the Queue under the “Publish” section, along with your Categories and Posting Plan, accessible from the top menu of your dashboard: 

The Queue remains the go-to place to check on your active content, whether created from scratch or imported from other sources. With the help of different views, filters, and a redesigned interface, you'll be able to keep an eye on your posts and see a clear timeline of when they'll be sent out to your audience.

Note: Keep in mind that you will only ever see one iteration of a post in your Queue. This applies to Evergreen content that recycles, as well as posts manually set to publish on multiple specific dates and times, or to repeat regularly on selected intervals (with or without Variations).

The main views for your new and improved Queue are the "List" and "Weekly" views. These views are optimized for the best visual representation of your schedule, to fit any display.

The Queue has also been significantly streamlined, with your posts being split into 3 main sections:

  • Upcoming: contains all your scheduled posts awaiting publication;
  • Published: houses all the content that has already been sent out;
  • Failed: reserved for those occasional instances when a post didn't publish successfully and requires your attention for review and adjustment.

The "Upcoming" section will feel familiar, as an updated version of the main "Queue view" from the established product. It displays your content schedule, enabling you to monitor what posts will be published and when. You'll always have the flexibility to rearrange items, or even edit posts to update content and post "Timing" options.

And since editing content is a big part of managing a dynamic social media presence, we've made it much easier - when editing any post that was initially created for multiple social profiles, our system will automatically locate all related posts and open them together in the Post Editor! 🎉

The new "Published" section will remind you of "Past Posts" from the established product, as it provides a straightforward view of already published content and how it's performing.

It will display each unique post along with engagement metrics, such as Clicks, Likes, Shares, Comments, and Impressions. It will also help you easily re-schedule a post or navigate to it on the social platform directly, with options under the three-dot menu button in the upper-right corner.

Note: While similar, "Published" is not fully the "Past Posts" section you're used to, with some options being migrated to your new "Post Library". For more information on how to access all the functionality you're used to, check out our "Reviewing Past Posts: New Tools & Tips" article.

As for the "Failed" section, it will include all the posts that couldn't be published due to unforeseen circumstances, like connection issues or account restrictions. SmarterQueue keeps track of these failed attempts and informs you right away, making it super easy for you to review and try again! 💻

Another significant change from the legacy product is that "Drafts", "Unqueued", and "Deleted (Trashed)" posts have found a new home in the "Post Library" section, along with other filtering options to make tracking and reviewing content much easier.

Read more on this change in our "Using The New Post Library" article.

As for "Hidden" posts, our new and improved SmarterQueue no longer encounters this issue. With "Categories" no longer offering the option to disable social profiles for specific Categories, there is no longer a case where you could have content created for a pairing that you've disabled.

Note: No worries, we are working hard on releasing our "Workspaces" feature in the very near future, to make managing different clients and brands a breeze.

How Does Your New Queue Work?

Your Queue remains reliable and familiar, ordering and publishing your posts in the "Upcoming" section according to your chosen post "Timing" preferences.

The Timeslots you've set up in your Posting Plan will determine when all automated content (sent to the top or bottom of the Queue) is published, while posts manually set as recurring, or to publish on specific dates and times, will be pinned to your preferred scheduling choices.

Note: Notice the "pin" glyph added to manually scheduled posts, to help you differentiate them from those published based on your Posting Plan.

Check out additional information on the new post cards and all the new glyphs and their meaning in our "New Queue Symbols: A Quick Guide" article.

As it gets published, the content will continue to behave as expected:

  • One-time posts will disappear from your "Upcoming" section of the Queue (no worries, you'll find them in "Published").
  • Posts scheduled to multiple dates and times, as well as recurring content, will be added back to the "Upcoming" section of the Queue based on the dates/times or repeat cycle you've selected.
  • Evergreen posts will be sent back to the bottom of "Upcoming" where they'll wait, in turn, to be posted again on their next cycle.

💡 Tip: As an exciting new addition to our "Publishing Settings", we've added a "Minimum Time to Recycle" option that will soon let you choose how quickly your Evergreen content can be recycled.

Note: Check out more info on the "Minimum Time to Recycle" option and Evergreen recycling overall in our "Evergreen Recycling: What's New?" article.

How To Filter Your Queue

Filtering your Queue is a valuable tool for reviewing and organizing your content, prioritizing and diversifying posts as your social media presence evolves, segmenting your audience, and even optimizing time management.

And whether you're checking "Upcoming", "Published", or even "Failed" posts, we've made filtering your content and narrowing things down simple - you can filter posts by Social Profile, Category, post timing, Evergreen status, post source or even type of content added.

All filters are available in the left-hand filter pane. Click on filters to start using them to narrow down your search. You can still use multiple different filters at the same time to target more specific content.

Additionally, you can use the search bar at the top of the filter pane to search for posts based on keywords or phrases.

How To Re-Order Or Shuffle Your Queue

Sometimes you may want to make adjustments to the order of your posts in "Upcoming", to adjust when they'll be posted and in which order. You can do so by manually re-ordering, or shuffling your posts!

To achieve this, Navigate to the Queue and ensure you're in the “List” view:

Note: This functionality is exclusive to the "List" view.

Once here, you'll have the following options available:

1. Identify the post that you want to move, then click and hold it to drag and drop it in a new place.

Note: This will automatically filter your posts for the specific Social Profile and Category combination the post was created for, so it will make it easier to spot the best place to drop it.

Keep in mind that, if you see a pin icon "📌" in the upper-left corner of the post card, the post is either scheduled for a specific date and time or set to repeat on a chosen cycle.

These "pinned" posts will require you to edit them in the Post Editor to change the publishing date and time and thus change their position in the "Upcoming" section of the Queue.

2. Alternatively, if you'd like to send a post straight to either the top or bottom of your Queue, simply click on the 3-dot menu next to the post, and make your selection:

3. And last but not least, you can randomize your content entirely by clicking on the "Shuffle” option in the top-right. This will shuffle all posts that are currently visible in the "Upcoming" section.

A pop-up confirmation window will appear to let you know that once shuffled, posts can't be reverted to their initial spot. The action can't be reversed! If you're certain that you want to move forward, click on "Shuffle Posts" to confirm and let fate decide the order of your posts! 🎲

Note: Shuffling will only affect posts that are being published based on Timeslots in your Posting Plan. It will not re-order posts for which you have selected specific dates and times or that are set to repeat regularly based on a set cycle (meaning the ones with the pin icon). 

Note: Using the filters on the left-hand side will narrow down the posts that are shown. This will help you filter and shuffle only content from specific Categories, or Social Profiles.

How To Pause Your Queue

In SmarterQueue, you have full control over your publishing.

As you're used to from the legacy product, you can quickly pause your entire Queue if needed, or make targeted choices to pause publishing for specific Social Profiles, Categories, or Profile-Category combinations, with just a few clicks 😊

Here are the available options:

1. To quickly pause your entire Queue, select "Pause All" from the upper-right corner of the Queue.

This will allow you to stop all posts from going out without delay. The button will then switch to the "Unpause All" option, so you can just as quickly resume publishing once any necessary review and editing steps have been taken.

2. Alternatively, select the cog icon (⚙️) in the upper-right corner of the screen and go to "Pause Settings".

Here you'll still have the option to quickly pause all publishing, but also to make a more targeted choice from under "Custom Publishing", by selecting specific Categories or Profile to pause.

Based on your preference, select if you want to review your pause settings per Category or Profile. For this example, we've selected to pause settings per Category.

Then, use the dropdowns next to each Category to set them to:

  • Active: this means that all posts created for that Category will continue to publish.
  • Paused: this will stop publishing for that Category.

  • Customize: this will open a pop-up with a list of your connected Social Profiles, allowing you to pause publishing only for posts created for that combination of Social Profile and Category.

Once you've saved your choices, the Categories will then show as Active, Paused, or Mixed (in case only specific combinations of Social Profiles and Categories were paused).

Note: The same options are available if you start with "Pause per Profile" instead.

Note: Remember that you can also use our Seasonal Categories feature to have Categories automatically pause and unpause on specific dates each year.

How To Edit Or Delete Posts

With our redesigned dashboard, it is easier than ever to edit or delete your posts.

You can find both options by clicking on the 3-dot menu in the upper-right corner of any post (among other useful options, like duplicating a post or moving it to the top/bottom of the Queue).

That said, we wanted to take things further and implement additional functionality that our customers have been patiently asking and waiting for.

  • Clicking "Edit" will immediately open the new Post Editor, and bring in the individual post along with all related content - this means that if you initially created the post for multiple social profiles, all the resulting posts will be brought in together so that you can make all the necessary edits for all of them at the same time 🎉

  • As for "Delete", this button is not only available for individual posts but also as a bulk option within the Queue - this means that you can use the check boxes next to posts to select multiple and then click on the "Delete" button at the bottom of the screen 💪

Note: For a fresh start, you can use the “Delete All” button in the upper-right corner of the screen. This will delete all the posts currently visible in the Queue (based on applied filters from the filter pane on the left-hand side).