Reviewing Past Posts: New Tools & Tips

We've enhanced the user experience by streamlining the "Past Posts" section you were used to into two distinct areas, each with specialized metrics, providing you with more focused and efficient insights into your social media performance.

Both of these sections are conveniently located within "Publish", accessible under "Queue" and your "Post Library" respectively, ensuring you can effortlessly review and filter your previously published content while easily accessing the most relevant data based on the location.

In This Article

What’s New With Checking On Your Past Posts?

1. The first section to check for information on your past posts is within the Queue. Here you'll find your "Upcoming" posts, that are waiting to be published, as well as your already "Published" posts.

Similar to the Legacy SmarterQueue, you'll discover a comprehensive list of all your previously published posts, sorted chronologically, offering a clear view of your content history. You'll be able to effortlessly filter (left-hand side), and gauge the performance of each individual post (cycle).

By selecting "Statistics", you'll be able to check individual engagement metrics, as well as aggregated statistics from all publishing cycles, including the Boost - the total increase in engagement on an Evergreen post compared to if you had only shared it once.

You can filter based on Social Profiles, Categories, post types (depending on how they were scheduled to be published), Evergreen status, content source, and type. Additionally, you can use the search bar at the top to look for specific posts based on their caption.

2. Additional data can be found under the "Post Library" section, where we've housed all content you've ever created in SmarterQueue, organized based on its status within your publishing strategy.

As such, on the left-hand side, you'll find the option to view your posts based on your Post Status: "Active", "Expired", "Paused", "Drafts", "Unqueued", and "Deleted"! You can find more information on the Post Library in our new "Using The New Post Library" article.

Here, all content that's been already published at least one time will feature a "Detailed Stats" button. For Evergreen content that's gone out multiple times, this button houses your stats per cycle.

You can quickly overview aggregated data for multiple post cycles or dive into in-depth analytics for individual cycles, tracking the evolution of engagement numbers over time and gaining insights from your A/B Test post results.

Make sure to use the filters and search bar on the left-hand side to find the specific posts you're looking for. Additionally, the dropdown on the top-right will allow you to filter the posts by "Latest", "Oldest", "Most" or "Least Published", and "Most" or "Least Engaging". 

Once you’ve made your selection, you can easily identify what's working and what's not, enabling you to fine-tune your content and deliver engaging experiences that resonate with your audience.

How To Review And Action Individual Published Posts

If you're looking to check on your chronological flow of published posts and review their engagement metrics, look no further than your Publish Queue Published section:

Here you'll be able to check metrics such as "clicks", "likes", "shares", "comments", and more.

Note: Statistics shown will vary depending on the social network to which your content was published. For Google Business Profiles, read more about particularities around how clicks are counted here.

1. If you're interested in looking at your published posts for a specific Social Profile, or Category, you can simply filter by using the menu on the left-hand side. Other familiar filters include post type and content, plus new ones we've added to make things easier, like Evergreen status and post source.

Also, you've asked and we've listened: you now have a text search bar at the top of the filter menu, which will make it easier to find posts based on the caption.

Note: Due to new Twitter API limitations imposed on April 29th, 2023, SmarterQueue can no longer check metrics for any connected Twitter profiles. You will still be able to see Analytics data gathered before April 29th, 2023.

2. Next, click on the 3-dot menu button for any post to view additional options:

  • View: will open the post natively, on the social profile you published it to, in a new tab in your browser.
  • Reschedule: will open the post in the Post Editor, allowing you to make any edits you might want and schedule the post to go out again.
  • Statistics: will open a pop-up with metrics for this post individually, as well as aggregated stats and the Boost, in case the post has multiple cycles.

How To Review Additional Per Cycle Stats And A/B Tests

In addition to the individual post engagement metrics visible at first glance in the Queue, you can obtain additional data regarding Evergreen post cycles and A/B test results by going to your Publish Post Library section:

Note: Statistics will only be available for content that's been already published at least one time, which will be available under "Active", "Expired", or "Paused".

1. To filter for specific posts, you have the following options:

  • The filter menu on the left-hand side allows you to look for posts associated with specific Social Profiles and/or Categories, and use the search bar at the top to look for keywords or phrases from the posts' captions.
  • The drop-down on the upper-right lets you apply further filtering to check for "Latest", "Oldest", "Most" or "Least Published", and "Most" or "Least Engaging".

2. Once you've identified the post you're looking for, view metrics for all of its cycles by clicking on the “Detailed Stats” button:

You’ll be able to see your Post Statistics per Iteration (each individual cycle), as well as check aggregated values for all cycles at the top, for the same multitude of engagement metrics.

Note: "Clicks" data is only available if you're using Bitly shortening for links added to your posts. For additional data on how these links are doing, make sure to check your Bitly link metrics in your Bitly account natively.

And the Boost option on the right-hand side will let you know how your engagement values benefited from publishing your post multiple times.

Looking at the example above, we can see that Evergreen Recycling made a real difference when it come to this post's engagement numbers. Each additional cycle ensured that more of our audience saw the post, which resulted in 8x times the engagement we would have normally seen with one single iteration.

3. If your post has Variations, then this is the perfect way to check how each media/text option influences your results. Each cycle will not only show you the individual metrics but also the post components, allowing you to immediately spot the different media/text options.

This is the best way to A/B test content and find out what your audience reacts to. Just keep in mind that engagement can also vary based on other factors (specific content, day of week, time of day, and other news in the Social Media space at the time).