Using The New Post Library

Exciting news! We're thrilled to introduce our latest feature: the "Post Library"! 🎉

While our main purpose for the "Queue" section was to simplify your view and help you easily manage your upcoming and published posts seamlessly, the all-new Post Library serves as a centralized hub for all your existing content, making it a breeze to navigate through your "Active", "Expired", "Paused", "Draft", "Unqueued", and even "Deleted" posts with just a few clicks!

In This Article

What Is The Post Library And How Does It Work?

The Post Library is here to help you with organizing and keeping your content on point!

To make sure all tools that help with managing and scheduling your content are easy to find and use, we've placed your Post Library under the "Publish" section, along with your Queue, Categories, and Posting Plan.

Here you'll find all the content you've ever created in SmarterQueue, split based on its status within your publishing strategy. As such, on the left-hand side, you'll find the option to view your posts based on your Post Status: "Active", "Expired", "Paused", "Drafts", "Unqueued", and "Deleted"!

Note: For each Post Status you'll notice a series of different actions that will allow you to take full advantage of your content (ex: edit and finish a draft, reschedule an inactive post, or restore a deleted one). You can read more about each available action below, under the "What Are The Post Statuses And How Do They Help?" chapter.

Additionally, you'll be able to use all the same filters, as well as the text search bar, available to you in the Queue. These will help you look up specific content or narrow down your selection:

To ease your search even further, make sure to use our drop-down menu at the top to search based on the latest, oldest, as well as most or least published so far:

What Are The Post Statuses And How Do They Help?

The Post Library allows you to keep track of all your content, whether it's actively being published to your Social Profiles, waiting as part of a paused Queue, as a draft, or published in the past but with the potential to be a good starting point for something new.

To easily find what you're looking for, and take additional actions, you can filter by "Post Status":

  1. Active posts are posts that are currently part of your "Upcoming" content view in the Queue, regardless of how they are scheduled and how many times they've been published already. As long as these posts are still actively being published (they're still in the Queue for an upcoming cycle), you will find them here.

These posts can be edited, duplicated, or deleted from the 3-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the post card. Any actions taken on active posts in the Post Library will apply to them in the Queue.

In addition to the post content, you'll be able to see engagement metrics, such as Clicks, Likes, Shares, Comments, and Impressions. You'll also be able to click on the "Detailed Stats" button on the right-hand side to review each iteration of the post over time, with individual and aggregated stats.

This pop-up will also give you the option to view each individual post iteration on the Social Profile natively, as well as reschedule it.

  1. Expired posts are previously published content that is no longer part of your schedule. It includes one-time posts that already went out, Evergreen and recurring content that reached its expiration date, or posts scheduled for multiple dates and times that have all passed.

These posts can be easily edited, rescheduled, or deleted from the 3-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the post card.

You also have the same analytics data available to you as for your "Active" posts. Don't forget to check the "Detailed Stats" to view how engagement evolved over time, or which caption and/or media Variation has been doing the best in your A/B test.

  1. Paused content is made up of posts scheduled for a Category or Social Profile for which you've paused publishing.

As you can see, you can easily edit, duplicate, or delete posts that no longer serve you. Once you're ready to start publishing again, you can even select "Unpause" from right here, which will take you to your "Pause Settings" and allow you to update your custom publishing rules.

And, of course, if your posts were published in the past before you paused your Queue, you'll be able to see engagement metrics, as well as the "Detailed Stats" button for them too.

  1. Drafts is the location for all the unfinished content that you've saved as a draft in the Post Editor or imported as a draft through the "Discover" section. This section is waiting for you to make all the edits necessary before your finished posts are ready for the Queue.

Simply edit, duplicate, or even delete those drafts that didn't make the cut.

For some of these drafts, you will even notice engagement metrics, as well as the "Detailed Stats" button. This is only an option if you've already published this content and then decided to switch it to drafts for future edits instead.

  1. Unqueued posts are those posts that were created for a Social Profile and Category combination and sent to the Queue without creating any Timeslots in the Posting Plan that would publish them.

To bring these posts into the Queue and have them go out, simply go to your Posting Plan and add Timeslots for the specific Social Profile and Category combination.

And in the meantime, you'll still be able to edit, duplicate, or even delete these posts as needed, from the 3-dot menu in the upper-right corner of the post card.

  1. Deleted posts are those that you manually deleted, either individually from the 3-dot menu or in bulk. To make sure you can recover any accidentally deleted posts, we initially store them here and offer you the option to restore or permanently delete them.

Note: Once you permanently delete content from this section of the Post Library it will be gone and you will not have the option to restore it.