Mastering Cross-Posting: Full Customization Options

Introducing our most exciting update for our Post Editor yet - full per-profile customization options for cross-posting across multiple social platforms! 

No more awkwardly cropped photos that don’t match each specific social platform’s preference, adding unactionable links to Instagram posts, or painstakingly duplicating posts to set different scheduling options for each individual profile. 

Prepare to experience an elevated level of control as you fine-tune text, links, media, and variations, as well as scheduling and Evergreen settings for each individual profile within the Post Editor.

In This Article:

What Is Cross-Posting And How To Leverage It?

Cross-posting is when you share the same or similar content simultaneously across multiple social profiles (for the same or different platforms) to reach a broader audience. 

This practice can save a lot of time, as it streamlines your process of creating and distributing posts across various social networks. It also helps maintain a consistent online presence and engage followers across multiple platforms. 

That being said, it's also important to consider the specifics and nuances of each social network. Successful cross-posting requires finding a balance between efficiency and platform-specific optimization. It’s crucial to adapt content slightly to suit each platform's audience and guidelines. 

Common cross-posting mistakes could cause you to alienate your audience, come off as tone-deaf, or just look lazy.  

To avoid this, when cross-posting, there are three main questions to address with each piece of content to ensure you're a social media superstar 🌟:  

1. Does my post belong on this social network?

Not all content is appropriate for all social networks, and that is okay! While Instagram and X (Twitter) are more casual and conversational, LinkedIn tends to house more professional and polished content. A selfie that might do well on Instagram, may not have the same effect on LinkedIn!

Keeping in mind the tone and types of content that are appropriate for each social network is essential when scheduling your post. 

Only schedule your post to the social networks it would make the most sense based on the type of content and audience that it will receive 😊  

2. What is the proper format for my post on each social network? 

Each social network has its own set of rules when it comes to post length, character limits, image formatting, number of hashtags, links, mentions, and tone of voice.

While you can share long-form content on Facebook, X (Twitter) limits your posts to 280 characters! While it's typical to use one or two hashtags on X (Twitter), using up to 30 is encouraged on Instagram! 

Instagram doesn’t support links, so you want to avoid including them for Instagram when creating content for multiple platforms.

All platforms support mentioning others, but the exact mention for the same company may vary across different platforms and would require that you customize your caption accordingly.

You can share the same post and message to multiple Social Profiles at once, but be sure to tailor your message to fit the format and standards of the social network.

3. How often should I be posting to each social network? What times?  

Posting frequency also varies according to the social network. Facebook and Instagram are known for supporting 3-5 posts/day, whereas if you were to do the same on LinkedIn, you might overwhelm your audience.

How To Master Full Per Profile Customization When Cross-Posting

Now that you're familiar with the most effective methods for sharing your content across different social media platforms, let's delve into the specifics of customizing your posts using the new Post Editor.

1. Click “New Post” on the right-hand side. 

2. Select the Category in the “Select Category” dropdown.

3. In the “Select Profiles” dropdown, choose all of the profiles that you’d like to create content for.

4. Toggle the “Customize per profile” option to fully customize your posts per profile!

Note: The toggle will not be actionable until you’ve selected at least two profiles!

You can now expand/collapse the Post Editor section for each of the selected profiles to add your individual post components.

💡 Tip: If you’ll use a lot of the same content for all of the selected profiles, start adding it first (see step 5) and then toggle “Customize per profile” so that you don’t have to start from scratch for each separate profile.

5. Add the text and media to each profile. Use the arrow on the right-hand side to switch between profiles, as necessary.

With our cross-posting customization options, you can fully tailor the following:

  • Text caption(s); 
  • Links;
  • Media;
  • First Comment (Available for Facebook Pages, Instagram Creator and Business profiles, LinkedIn Personal Profiles, and LinkedIn Company Pages);

Customizing the text for each profile empowers you to craft messages that are precisely attuned to resonate with each distinct audience, including the thoughtful inclusion of hashtags and emojis 🎉

You can create text variations so that, each time your post is published, a different text caption is used! It’s a great way to keep your Evergreen content fresh for longer while also providing an opportunity to conduct A/B testing on your posts to identify the most engaging copy.

Personalizing the link for each profile offers you the flexibility to choose your preferred destination for your audience, or even decide not to include a link, which is a common practice with Instagram profiles.

Note: When including a link, you have the choice to opt for a professional link preview or customize the post with media to suit your preferences perfectly.

Personalizing the media for each profile empowers you with the ability to select the most suitable images and formats for each platform. Thanks to our seamless Canva integration, creating perfectly sized images for all your profiles has never been more effortless.

Add multiple pieces of media to your posts, allowing you to create engaging carousel posts or diverse media variations! Just like with text variations, using media variations will mean that each time your post is published, a different media is used. Keep your Evergreen posts fresh and A/B test your posts to see what media your audience likes best.

Note: The option to vary media doesn’t appear until you’ve added two pieces of media!

6. To preview how the posts look, click the Preview tab to look at your posts and any Variations you created.

Note: You’ll need to click on each profile to preview the posts!

7. Once you’re happy with the posts, you can schedule them all in the same way, or customize post timing individually per profile! To schedule the posts individually, click the “Customize per profile” toggle on the righthand side.

8. Use the dropdown arrows to schedule each post individually.

9. Once done, click “Save Post” to add the posts to your Queue.

Congratulations on creating your unique posts in the revamped Post Editor 💪

Check out "Queue Updates: What You Need To Know" to see how your posts are shown in the new Queue.