Category Management: The Latest Changes

SmarterQueue Categories are now better than ever!

Building upon the existing features you love, we've introduced new capabilities, such as the ability to archive Categories, including all associated content you've meticulously crafted.

In This Article

What’s New With Categories?

Firstly, to make sure all tools connected to scheduling your content are easy to find and manage, we’ve moved "Categories" under the “Publish” section, along with your "Queue" and "Posting Plan", accessible from the top menu of your dashboard: 

Once in the "Categories" section, you’ll be able to see all your existing Categories, along with the number of Timeslots you’ve added for them in the Posting Plan, as well as the number of active posts created and waiting in the Queue to be published. 

And just like in legacy SmarterQueue, you are still able to:

  • Create and name new Categories;
  • Select your preferred color from our improved list of options;
  • Choose if/which profiles should be pre-selected when you start creating a new post for the respective Category in the Post Editor;
  • Rename and change any of the above for existing Categories.

You can also select if your Categories should be Seasonal or not.

In addition, we've made it even easier for you to keep track of your content in the new platform. We've separated your Categories into two sections: "Active" and "Archived".

"Active Categories" are the ones you’re already used to - the ones you are actively using to organize and publish your content.

"Archived Categories" are here to help you make room for MORE Categories and MORE posts in your Queue when you need it, without sacrificing part of your existing setup that you might not be using right now. Archiving Categories sets them aside from your regular posting schedule and saves all of the content in them. You'll then be able to bring them back as "Active" later on 💪

Read more about archiving Categories under the "How To Edit Or Archive A Category" chapter.

How To Create A Category

To create a new Category, navigate to the “Publish” section in your SmarterQueue dashboard, and then select "Categories":

With just a few clicks, you can then add the Category name, choose its vibrant color, and if it will be always active or Seasonal! 🌸☀️🍁❄️

Plus, you can choose which profiles will be selected by default when creating posts for this Category in the Post Editor, thus streamlining your content creation process, and saving you valuable time!! 👥✅

Once you're happy with your selection, simply tap on the "Save Category" button and voilà! 🎉

How To Create A Seasonal Category

Seasonal Categories are still here to help you plan for an event, a time-sensitive campaign, or if you are marketing around public holidays like Christmas, Easter, Halloween, etc.

To create a Seasonal Category, navigate to the “Publish” section, and then select "Categories".

Here you click on the “Add Category” button and create a new Category specifically for your time-sensitive campaign, or click on an existing Category you want to make seasonal:

Decide on the Category name, and color, and choose if/which profiles should be pre-selected when you start creating a new post for the respective Category in the Post Editor.

Then select "Seasonal" to set a specific date range for when this new Category will be active:

Note: Once a Seasonal Category is created, it will automatically start off as paused or un-paused, depending on whether today's date is within the season date range you have set.

Don't forget to head over to the Posting Plan to create the Timeslots for your new Seasonal Category!

Note: Make sure you add Timeslots for all of the days that the date range may cover. For example, if you have a Seasonal Category which runs for the 3 days up to Halloween, and Halloween falls on a Friday, you need to ensure that you have Timeslots on the necessary weekdays (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday), otherwise, nothing will be published, even though the season will be active.

Any content you add to your Queue in this Seasonal Category will only be posted between the dates you set, and only on the dates that have a Timeslot for the Category.

When the Season ends, the dates will automatically be updated too.

Note: We recommend adding at least one Timeslot for every day of the week, to ensure that your posts will be published if your occasion potentially falls on different days of the week - e.g. Christmas Day.

How To Edit Or Archive A Category

How To Edit A Category

On your "Categories" page, you'll get an overview of all your Categories (Active or Archived), and discover how many Timeslots and posts you have for each one.

If you want to edit a Category, simply click on the 3-dot menu next to it and select the "Edit" option. In this example, we’ve selected the General Category!

Once you select the "Edit" option, a pop-up will allow you to edit the Category name, pick a new color, as well as update the Category type and which profiles are selected by default.

Don't forget to click on "Save Category" to lock in all of the edits you've made.

How To Archive A Category

In addition to editing the Category, you can fully archive it by clicking on the "Archive" option:

Archived Categories will be easy to find and edit in the "Archived" section. 

Additionally, you can also unarchive the Category, which will bring it back under “Active” to be used in scheduling your posts. 🙌

Note: Archiving a Category preserves all associated published and upcoming Posts and Timeslots while making them inactive. The posts will be moved to your Post Library and they will not be published moving forward. 

Note: Unarchiving the Category will bring back your associated posts and Timeslots and commence publishing again.

Note: Fully Deleting a Category is only possible if it has no published or upcoming posts associated with it.

Common Questions

1. Can I delete an Active Category?

To delete an Active Category you will first need to Archive it, and then Delete it from the Archived section of your SmarterQueue dashboard.

Even then, deleting the Category will only be possible if there are no published or upcoming posts associated with it.

2. Do inactive or paused Seasonal Categories count towards my Categories and Daily Posting limits?

Yes, both paused Categories and inactive Seasonal Categories count toward your plan's Category limit and Daily Posting limit.

3. Do archived Categories count towards my Categories and Daily Posting limits?

No. That's why archiving Categories is such a useful feature - by archiving Categories you get to set the Category and all of the content, Timeslots, and analytics aside without them counting towards your plan limits.

4. How can I delete all of the posts in a Category except for one social profile?

If you’ve accidentally bulk-imported posts to more social profiles than you intended under one Category, here’s a helpful tip to fix this:

  • Go to your Queue.
  • Use the filters on the left-hand side to narrow your content down for the Category and one of the social profiles you added it to accidentally.
  • Click the button in the upper-right corner to "Delete All" as per applied filters.
  • Now filter again for the Category and a different social profile and delete the posts, until only the ones you wanted to keep remain.

5. Can we no longer enable or disable social profiles for Categories?

No, this feature is no longer available as we’re working hard on a new feature - Workspaces.

This new feature will allow you to partition your SmarterQueue account and manage social profiles completely separately, to help you work with different clients more easily.

6. Can we no longer combine Categories?

In the legacy product, deleting a Category allowed you to transfer the posts associated with it to another Category. This is no longer possible, but we're working hard on a shiny new bulk-edit feature that will allow you to transfer content from one Category to another without needing to delete any part of your setup.